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Education and learning in Bilston

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Course Fee £175pp. Course Duration 4hrs. Venue: Our studio in Ellesmere Port. During the course you will create two pieces of Resin Art on a 40cm x 30cm project board [yours to keep] using two types of...

  Ellesmere Port, North Road, Pi..
Are you looking for a private school, lyceum or university in Bilston? Do you want to enroll in courses in Bilston? Welcome to the *Education and training* section of the free classifieds website cenotavr. Here you can see a large selection of offers for training in schools, lyceums or other educational institutions in Bilston, there are offers from private and public educational institutions of various accreditation. Also in this section there is a large selection of various courses in Bilston. You can also add an ad to the *Education and training* section absolutely free of charge, the number of unique ads is unlimited.